Wednesday, March 24, 2010


For my last blog I am going to talk about something that I have wanted to do for a while, but never had the chance until I got to Trinity. That Thing is fencing. Fencing has always intrigued me, but I have never found any place near where I live to try it. When I got to Trinity I realized that fencing was offered as a course. So naturally I signed up. My only experience with a sword was all the videogames and movies I have seen where the main character wields a blade to cut down enemies or something. When I got to the class for the first time all I wanted to do was use a sword, but unfortunately for the first few classes we had to learn prober footwork. No sword. As the classes dragged on the momentous day finally arrived when I got to use my first sword. Awesome. I must say, I was a natural with a blade. The classes only got better from there. All we would do was stab each other to our hearts content, and every once and a while the coach would throw in a new technique. We would then make fools of ourselves by trying to mime our coach. I have to say, fencing is one of the best things I have tried here at Trinity University.

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Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Trips off campus

While Trinity has a wide variety of different opportunities on campus, there is still so much to do off campus. So in this entry I will be talking about some of the recent exploits my friends and I have had off campus. Starting Friday we went to a nearby park which name I cannot remember for the life of me. This park was only five minutes away and was a perfect place to play a pickup game of football or Ultimate Frisbee. We brought a stereo and a long board to make the day at the park even more enjoyable. The next day my friends and I took a trip to the Riverwalk in downtown San Antonio. The Riverwalk is something I feel that every Trinity student should visit at some point. It is an extremely beautiful attraction filled with vibrant shops and restaurant. When we went there on Saturday we went to a Mexican grille called the Iron Cactus. While at the Iron Cactus we tried some generic Mexican food, but it was still tons of fun. So when you are sitting in your dorm room, and don’t know what to do, look around San Antonio and you will most likely find some awesome activity to do.